RV Having Fun Yet? : Comic Adventures in a Recreation Vehicle
RV Having Fun Yet? is the hilarious account of an Hollywood television comedy writer who drags his reluctant wife on an 18-month adventure in a 35-foot motor home. Ray will keep you in stitches as he enlightens you to basic survival in a recreational vehicle. You'l cry with laughter was you cover such topics as: How I Dragged My Wife Kicking and Screaming Into a Motorhome: Persuading a woman who loves her nest in suburbia to go adventuring in a home on wheels.
The Write Stuff: Answering letters from baffled RVers on warming up cold husbands, overweight mates, snoring, and what to do about a scandalous young woman who shocks an RV park by leaving her shades up at bedtime
A Dog's Life in an RV: Charles, the amorous French poodle, tells of meeting Fifi, the love of his life, and his other adventures on the road.
Heading for the Showers: If the Lord wanted us to use coin-operated showers, how come He didn't equipped our birthday suits with change pockets?
The Alaskan Air Force: Battling Alaska's awesome moose-chasing mosquitoes, which attack in swarms with needles big enough to do acupuncture
Checklist for Survival: Hard-won tips on motorhoming, such as, "Never go over a speed bump without making sure there is no one in the commode."