Wreckchasing 102: Exploring military and commercial aircraft crash sites
Finding an historic aircraft crash site is 95 percent research and five percent field work. Wreckchasing 102 is the continuation of the Wreckchasing series. Wreckchasing 101 discussed how to research aircraft crash sites and the many resources available while Wreckchasing 102 presents 16 stories for the arm-chair adventurer, taking them from the mountains and deserts of the United States to a forest outside Paris, France. Historic aircraft types range from commercial Boeing 247s, to DC-3s, C-46s and DC-10s; fighter aircraft such as the P-39 and P-51 to the F-86 and F-100 jets; and large bombers and patrol planes including the B-17, B-1A, and P-3 Orion. The accident and decades later search for these aircraft are told in detail. Sixteen chapters with more than 200 black and white photos.