The Ultimate Game of Golf
Want to play better golf in less time? Learn the secrets to an effortless power golf swing with proven techniques from the pros. Newly revise and updated.The Ultimate Game of Golf is the perfect book from noted golf educator, performance advisor, & master golf instructor, Bob Cisco. If you liked Ben Hogan's, Five Fundamentals, its theory, and great illustrations, then you'll love, The Ultimate Game of Golf book.Easy to use and follow, with 288 power packed pages of instructional key theory with fifty proven, powerful drills and ninety illustrations.Learn key discoveries in golf's three games: The Outer Game: The Swing: Its key principle and common denominator. What power is in the golf swing The discovery of swinging from your swing center, swinging in perfect balance, the Mental Game. Find out what golf's missing link is and why it's been holding you back in your mental approach. The Scoring Game: How to be more confident and in control in your shot-making. The importance of strategy and the scoring game in golf: How to develop a sharp short game from 100 yards and in, shave strokes off your game from around the green every time.How to putt like the pros and develop a consistent putting stroke that makes more putts for you. What golfers are saying about this exciting new book --I believe Bob Cisco's, Ultimate Game of Golf book is excellent. It covers all aspects of the game, including the mental side, which more and more golfers are realizing is the KEY Tony Jacklin -- former US & British Open Champion Play better golf, reach more of your potential, and enjoy your game more. Buy The Ultimate Game of Golf now to unlock your true golf potential and play better golf.