Scarlet and the Beast
Provocative 3-book series sheds light on end-time Bible prophecy. As the year 2000 approaches, there is much interest in the prophecies of the Bible. The author begins with Scriptures from the book of Revelation & weaves an exciting tale of the future. He takes you behind the scenes & shows you who is contending for the political, religious & financial control of the world in the next century. Volume one documents that the political revolutions during the last three centuries, as well as the two World Wars of the 20th Century, were conflicts between English & French Freemasonry. Volume two carries the reader back to ancient Babylon, comparing mystery religions & their rituals with Masonic initiations, documenting that Freemasonry is the end-time power in the Bible called Mystery Babylon. Volume three addresses the universal drug problem, for the Bible states that Mystery Babylon controls drug trafficking in all nations. Starting with the British/Chinese Opium Wars a century ago, the author documents how English Freemasonry took control of world banking to finance its universal illegal drug business. Order from Jon Kregel, Inc., P.O. Box 131480, Tyler, TX 75713. Phone: 903-759-6619. 20% discount for libraries; 40% discount for bookstores.