Treating Sinus, Migraine, and Cluster Headaches, My Way
This is a self-help book for people who suffer from headaches. It looks at this common scourge of humans from an allergist's viewpoint, an important viewpoint because allergy commonly causes headaches. To aid you in discovering if you suffer allergic headaches and to teach you how to fight them, it introduces and discusses subjects in an orderly manner that is easy to read.
TREATING SINUS, MIGRAINE AND CLUSTER HEADACHES, MY WAY begins by defining allergy and headaches simply, letting you know how they are different and also, why they really are similar. It then looks at the moisture, dust mites and mold at home, school and work that make your head hurt. Examining the home, it tells you how to find and correct conditions that nurture these headache-makers, conditions you can change to better the air quality of your home.
Moving out of the home, it next examines the pet, pollens of summer, cigarette smoking, air quality at work, and foods and beverages in the diet. Each contributes to the pain people suffer. The possibilities and limitations of avoiding these exposures are looked at frankly.
No book by an allergist would be complete if it failed to mention the special tools of the allergist: history, medications, skin testing and allergy injection treatment. This book describes them in everyday language that allows you to consider if testing or treatment may help you. It also tells you why your allergist may not help relieve your headache pain.
Finally, it reaches the reason that this book was written. It describes the perfect home for the allergic headache sufferer. Although you may never live in this ideal home, its ideas will help you improve your own home.