RED CLAW! Raising the Giant Australian Freshwater Crayfish
The Red Claw crayfish is a new and very promising aquaculture species. The Red Claw is very similar to the native American species, except that it grows to a HUGE size--almost to that of a lobster! There are several other notable differences, such as year-round breeding, awesome fecundity... often over 700 eggs per breeder! They also have a non-aggressive nature, which allows many more Red Claw crayfish to live happily in a given space than would the native American crayfish.
This book is one of the few sources for complete information on all aspects of the culture of this lobster sized freshwater crayfish. Compiled from leading edge research direct from Australia as well as individual and University findings from all over the U.S.,this book dispels the hype and furnishes the facts about this little known but highly prized new aquaculture species. Fish farmers have managed to become major players in this bottomless market in only a couple of years. Small scale family run operations are harvesting 'short lobsters' in less than a year, and the startup costs are relatively low.
There are not many Red Claw crayfish reference books, and this book packs all the info you may need into a small price. Included in the book are photos from down under, food and feeding regimens needed to raise the Red Claw to giant size, well managed pond and tank factors, hatching and juvenile production, stocking methods, regularly updated sources of supply, processing and sale tips, and marketing recommendations.