Aramaic Light on the Gospel of Matthew (Aramaic New Testament Series)
If you instinctively shy away from “commentaries”— Aramaic Light on the Gospel of Matthew will surprise you! No dull theological seminary textbook, this commentary will appeal to anyone who enjoys a good narrative. It carries you back almost two thousand years, providing a clear perspective of Jesus in the light of his own language, people and times. This inimitable commentary acts as a Near Eastern guide, revealing to the Western mind a more intimate picture of the socio-religious and psychological environment of the period. It’s approach is simple, informative, and scholarly without using specialized theological terminology. Each comment is written in narrative form, clarifying the idioms, customs, and manners of Jesus’ day. This commentary is suitable for use by anyone who is eager to resume acquaintance with Jesus’ powerful Gospel of the Kingdom. Aramaic Light on the Gospel of Matthew takes you through the heart of the gospel, illuminating difficult and puzzling passages and offering unparalleled insight into the character and behavior of Near Eastern Semites. This is the field of Dr. Errico’s and Dr. Lamsa’s research and expertise. This volume is more than just a revision of Dr. Lamsa’s commentaries, Gospel Light and More Light on the Gospel. Dr. Errico has edited, expanded and annotated these previous works in the new format that Dr. Lamsa desired. In addition, over 50% of this book contains unpublished material that the two of them had drafted just before Dr. Lamsa died in 1975. Dr. Errico completed the comments that they had only outlined and has also added information derived from his continual research in Aramaic word meanings and Near Eastern Semitic studies.