Management Ideas That Work!
To put together Management Ideas That Work!, we took the best articles that have appeared in the Zweig Letter, the weekly management advisor for A/E/P and environmental consulting firms. Each chapter stands pretty much on its own. The organization is merely alphabetical. This is a book you can pick up and start reading anywhere, though we suggest you start at the beginning and read through to the end at lease once! There is a thorough table of contents in the front and an index in the back to help you locate ideas. The book is not intended to be a comprehensive, complete reference book that will tell you everything you need to know about what to do in every case. It is intended to be an introduction to a new way of thinking, a resource to point you down a different path and, perhaps, a new solution to whatever situation you or your firm may be in. We hope you'll refer to it often. Any principal that reads this book, takes our advice to heart, and makes a sincere effort to implement these management ideas will be more successful.