Making Managers into Leaders: A Five Step Framework for Breakthrough Results
Making Managers into Leaders (previous title of Leadership Made Simple) will greatly improve how managers work with people. Managing will even become simple, fun and effective in developing the leadership skills of anyone who reads it. Once you experience our simple Framework for Leadership-TM to solve one of your most critical issues, you will never do things the same again especially when it comes to people! You ll be amazed at the simplicity and effectiveness of the Making Managers into Leaders concepts and tools. The Framework for Leadership-TM takes advantage of two fundamental concepts important in working with people, teams and organizations. The first concept is what we call Forward Focus. In the challenging world we live in, it s so easy for people to see all the reasons they can t get something done, or why it can t be done on time or on budget. A critical leadership responsibility is to keep people focused on the solution more than the problem. The Framework focuses you on the solutions and what a great place to be when looking at the leadership skill development of the people in your organization. The second concept is the idea that the people in the organization have the answers to the challenges they face. They are intelligent, smart, creative and understand the situation better than anyone else. If we just ask them the right questions, they ll come up with the creative solutions. Asking those right questions is a critical role of leadership and could be a part of any leadership skills training. The Framework guides you to asking the right questions.