Children in the Martial Arts: Questions Every Parent Should Ask Before Their Child Takes Karate
What every parent should know before their child takes karate/martial arts lessons. Parents enroll children in karate programs or schools for many wrong reasons. Some of which are: It's close to home; My neighbors kids go there; My son is getting beaten up at school; I liked karate, they will too; This school is cheaper than the other one. Written from a parents viewpoint, based on 15 commonly asked questions such as: Is my child too young for karate? My daughter has asthma, should she be taking lessons? There are so many styles, which one do I choose? What about martial arts books & magazines? How much should I have to pay? Is my child at risk of being hurt or injured? What about the instructor? Should my child be taught martial arts weapons? Author Bill Gregory answers these questions & many more in great detail. Bill has been a martial arts instructor over 10 years, & is especially concerned about children taking martial arts lessons. He was Assistant District Manager, Chief Instructor, & Studio Director in two states for the world's largest Martial Arts organization, & is currently a seminar speaker for the Arts. Available through: K&L Publishing Company, P.O. Box 7516, Cumberland, RI 02864, Tel. (401) 769-9844, Cost $7.95.