Imperial German Colonial Troops and Police in Africa (Die Kaiserlichen Schutztruppen und Polizeitruppen für Afrika) Expanded English Edition
This book was originally published in Germany in 2005, under the title "Die Kaiserliche Schutz-und-Polizeitruppe für Afrika - Felduniformen, Ausrüstung, Bewaffnung". This English edition is a study of the Imperial German Colonial protection forces and police (Schutztruppen and Polizeitruppen) in Africa from 1888 to 1918. These units gained fame during the First World War for the military strategies of General von Lettow-Vorbeck and the tenacity of his undefeated forces in German East Africa (present-day Tanzania). Less well-known are the pre-war campaigns led by General von Trotha to suppress the Herero and Nama tribes in German South-West Africa (present-day Namibia). After many years of research, the author has assembled a large body of information on the formation, organisation, training, deployment, uniforms, weapons, equipment and other details of these units, much of it presented here for the first time in English. This study includes an overview of Germany's forces in Cameroon and Togo, which helps close an important gap in the study of military history. 270 pages, with more than 350 photos and illustrations.