The Greatness Factor
The Greatness Factor is an invitation to reach for your own knowledge. What you, yourself, know goes far beyond anything that you have been taught or what anyone else can tell you. Somewhere in the depths of your being lies the answer to all questions about existence. When one truly chooses to know rather than idly speculate or be guided by the intrigues of mystery, these answers become obvious. In this book I have tried to express how we create our personal reality, what keeps us from being in touch with the underlying Truth of Our Existence, and how to transcend conditions of petty conflict that keeps us from recognizing our greatness. The purpose of this book is not to tell you something that you do not know but rather to remind you of what you already know and help you arrange that knowledge so that you can be more creatively effective and experience a greater enjoyment of life. This information has been transcribed to transport you systematically from the lesser self. the mental arrangement with the greatest amount of conflict and the least amount of power, to the Greatest Self, the mental arrangement with the least amount of conflict and greatest amount of power. We all operate somewhere along this path of growth and knowledge. It is important that you do not discourage and confuse yourself by looking too far ahead or bore yourself by not getting beyond the initial revelations. Allow your interest to be your guide. It is far wiser than you suspect.