The Jeep Bible: Written Personally for the Jeep Cult!
If you’re one of the thousands of owners of vintage Jeeps who want to keep their vehicles rolling along well into this new millennium, the new, third edition of The Jeep Bible is just the thing you need. It covers all the stuff you want to know about MB, GPW, CJ-2A, CJ-3A, CJ-3B, CJ-5, CJ-6, CJ-7, JEEPSTER, COMMANDO and CJ-8.Also included is a special chapter on how to keep your CJ alive for 200,000 miles, and get better mileage, too. There are facts, figures, and "how-to" on modifying your CJ for top 4-wd performance. Also, a "hot list" of 700+ suppliers who want to help you along the way and an exhaustive Jeep Bookshelf. There are 320 pages packed with information, charts, tables, illustrations and diagrams. Plus lots of lively cartoons by Leo Bestgen, a well-respected automotive cartoonist.