Prison From The Inside Out: One Man's Journey From A Life Sentence to Freedom
Synopsis: Prison From the Inside Out is both a book and an act of trust: A black man from New Jersey and a white woman from New York meet in a workshop at a North Carolina prison. They decide they have something to tell the world about incarceration, self-esteem, personal growth, survival, and the power of trustForceful, vivid, and utterly captivating. Every voice is fully alive, opinionated, smart, honest, articulate, and human--especially that of Mecca, the complex, thoughtful figure at the center. - Lydia Davis, fiction writer, MacArthur Fellow, Man Booker International PrizeIn his many years of incarceration, William 'Mecca" Elmore realized that words are more powerful than bars. This is also a love story dedicated to resistance, resilience, hope, unconditional love, and humility. - Jaki Shelton Green, North Carolina Poet LaureateBeautiful! A revealing oral history that opens up the world inside our prisons. - Timothy Tyson, Author Blood Done Sign My Name & The Blood of Emmett TillPrison From the Inside Out is Awesome. Just like William, It's Straight Up with No Chaser. - James Langston, Retired Superintendent, Wake Correctional, Raleigh, NCYou have a lot to say to me and to anyone who picks up this book. I'm honored to be a character in your story. - James Leone, U.S. Marine, Former supervisor, Piedmont Correctional, Salisbury NCThis multiple perspective approach challenges how we interpret the lives of the incarcerated and how they deal with the difficulties of daily living behind bars. - Jeffrey Ian Ross PhD, Professor, University of Baltimore, co-author Beyond Bars: Rejoining Society After Prison