The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman
[D]uring these last 19 years, I have taught myself physics, chemistry, electrical engineering and astronomy. The result of my years of research (which proposes a Unified Field Theory concerning all physical phenomena) has been a continuing and expanding thesis that I have written in a manner to which the present scientific community is not accustomed.... However, it is my earnest belief that my method will serve a most beneficial improvement in the future development and progress of Science and the human species - which, if not in the present, will in the future be greatly appreciated by those who will follow after us and look to you and me for a smoother road through life....[I]t would appear that nuclear and magnetic forces are electromagnetic energy and possess mechanical-like characteristics which can be predicted and explained. The proof of the truth of the statement lies within this Book which I have written following 19 years of work and research. --- excerpts from book's Preface