How to Do Your Best on Law School Exams
How To Do Your Best on Law School Exams shows you, step-by-step, how to practice and excel at the two core law-exam tasks: spotting issues and resolving them with succinct lawyerly arguments. This popular and widely recommended Book emerged from teaching countless courses and grading thousands of exams over many years at the New York University Law School and at the City University Law School. In building-block detail, it shows you how to practice decoding of the typical multi-issue exam essay. It enables you to add an exam lens to your learning and outlining, so that you are practicing issue-spotting and step-by-step writing of lawyerly exam arguments throughout the semester and also illustrates many blunders that constantly appear on law exams. It includes many actual exam problems with illustrative "A" and occasional poor answers, and detailed comments explaining why exam arguments are excellent, mediocre or poor.