Clean & Green
From Library Journal This book promises " . . . an impressive array of formulas for making your own cleaning solutions from natural, healthful, and environmentally-safe substances." There are 579 cleaning recipes, including 98 stain remedies, for everything around the house and car. Nontoxic cleaning is done with things that are found in most homes--baking soda, borax, vinegar. Such remedies are a boon to those sensitive to harsh chemicals--people as well as the Earth. Better than Heloise's Hints for a Healthy Planet ( LJ 4/1/90), this book or Don Aslett's Stainbuster's Bible ( LJ 2/1/90) would fulfill most patrons' needs.- Patty Miller, New Hampshire Technical Coll. Lib., LaconiaCopyright 1990 Reed Business Information, Inc. Review Now I don't know about you, but the general consensus in these parts is that while cleanliness may be next to godliness (or I should say, goddessness), the path to getting there is not our idea of a good time. Granted, the technology of housework has certainly advanced but still, most of the cleaning stuff you have to use is enough to gag you (and is generally toxic to all living things-particularly animals and small children, not to mention the environment). So, Annie Berthold-Bond is here to tell you how to "green-clean" everything from your toilet to your oven to your car (even tough jobs), fast, cheap and non-toxically! What really makes this book stand out is that it is very simple to use; everything is set up by materials to be cleaned-vinyl, glass, metal, carpets-with easy recipes for making your own cleaning solutions. Vinegar, borax and lemon are your staples along with a host of surprising ingredients-many of which you'll find right in the fridge or cupboard. -- From The WomanSource Catalog & Review: Tools for Connecting the Community for Women; review by Ilene Rosoff Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. 182. WOOD FURNITURE DUSTING AND CLEANING CLOTH 1/2 teaspoon olive oil, 1/4 cup vinegar or lemon juice, soft cotton rag l Mix the ingredients in a bowl. Dab a soft rag into the solution and dust, polish, and shine your wooden furniture with it. You can reuse this rag over and over again.