How to Write and Publish a Book
One of the exciting developments of our decade is a renewed interest in the field of self-publishing. This book seeks to furnish thumbnail sketches of areas which may need further study. It contains two parts. Part one is entitled "A writer must become involved." It contains brief thoughts on organizing the steps in preparing to write a book, correcting mistakes in copy, proofreading, securing a copyright, knowing freedom of the press, the law of libel, how to organize your own style book, creating signatures, preparing a dummy, making good layouts & setting up specifications for the printer. Part two is entitled "A writer studies technical problems." The first necessity is to understand both letterpress & offset methods of printing. The section considers type faces, headlines, color magic, book covers, photography, ink & paper, & marketing tips. There is nothing in the book about plotting, outlining, characterization or grammar. Its aim is toward those beginners who need helpful hints on book making or self-publishing. Lenore Harris Hughes, co-author of "Give Me Room!" has attempted to give a brief survey of the steps she & her husband followed in organizing & writing their book.