Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis
A 1982 radical feminist anthology edited by Robin Ruth Linden, Darlene R. Pagano, Diana E. H. Russell, and Susan Leigh Star. The essays in the book critique sadomasochism and BDSM from a feminist perspective, with most of the contributors identifying sadomasochism as rooted in "patriarchal sexual ideology". The compilation includes essays by a variety of radical feminists such as Alice Walker, Robin Morgan, Kathleen Barry, Diana E. H. Russell, Susan Leigh Star, Ti-Grace Atkinson, John Stoltenberg, Sarah Lucia Hoagland, Susan Griffin, Cheri Lesh, and Judy Butler. The anthology also includes an interview between Audre Lorde and Susan Leigh Star. The essays address issues such as whether lesbian feminism is compatible with sadomasochism, S/M's similarities with pornography, and the connections between sadomasochism and racism. Several essays criticize Samois, a BDSM organization founded by and for lesbians.