Learning About Love: an anthology of poems
This wonderful anthology of poems can only be described by saying that it is as much about earthly as about spiritual matters. It covers many aspects of human concern, all of them coming down to consider love in its many aspects: It is thought provoking work that leads one to reflect on what makes our daily lives more bearable, or unbearable. Passion, sorrow, love, anguish, all aspects of human emotions are evoked by these deeply felt verses which go along a journey of discovery about the nature of love. If the advice to writers is "write about what you know," this certainly is a book about the emotional journey taken by the writer during a life time. We find that the main discovery the writer makes, is that the ultimate love on which all beings can rely is Divine love. This anthology of poems will take you through all emotions and make you think. You will share a peek into the authors thoughts and mind about the love of the lover, the one who stopped loving, filial love, moral concerns regarding love, love of nature, self-love and divine love. A collection to own and cherish. Myriam Reyes Pena is a gifted writer, provocative and original. Visit her official website: www.salgado-reyes.com