The Rainbow Diet: And How it Can Help You Beat Cancer
This is the brand new 4th Edition specially printed in America by author Chris Woollams. The first version was written in 2006 and was the original Rainbow Diet although there have been many attempted copycats since. It is now regularly updated with the latest evidence and is widely acclaimed. Indeed, the first 15 reviews were all 5 Stars. "Many people are using anti-cancer diets that just won't deliver. And research is now quite clear on this. This is sad because in the UK 11 top Doctors wrote to the Prime Minister just a few years ago saying that the colourful Mediterranean diet could prevent many of the chronic illnesses that beset the West, and urging him to adopt it in the country. The book goes further than just the colourful Mediterranean diet and prevention. It looks at how research shows it might correct chronic illness, including cancer. It compares the Rainbow Diet to other 'well-known' diets; it presents research in simple easy-to-grasp English, and it will make you think again about what constitutes a healthy diet. It has been described by readers and doctors as the best book on diet available today. And it even tells you what foods you should or should not buy. I explore the Truth behind foods and diets, and how officialdom in the West - including Governments and Doctors - actually misleads us through a mixture of ignorance, vested interest and handed-down mythology. I review the research into everything you ingest from organic food to tap water and from good fats to low sugar. I even look at the true benefits of sunshine and how they interact with the foods.. And then I rebuild it all giving you the discipline and thoroughness - explaining that cancer is a multi-step process and how certain foods act on the different steps in the process. If you want a Diet to help you beat cancer you need to build a complete, disciplined diet that offers a range of benefits across a range of foods.