Thought Prison: The Fundamental Nature of Political Correctness
Thought Prison explores the ramifications of political correctness on language, and thus thought; its casual denial of logic and insidious reach into the realms of science and learning; its total saturation of its twin supports, the mass media and ruling elites. Once the collectively self-imposed blinkers, of good causes and good intentions, are stripped away we can see the nanny state and moral universe beyond for what it is – a catastrophic delusion that is destroying the world we know. Most of us think of political correctness in terms of its scope for irony. It provides opportunity to protect us from a vaguely troubling acceptance of an enforced orthodoxy. We are familiar with the no-go areas defined by PC taboos – race, sex (or to be PC, gender), ethnicity, sexual preference, disability, class – and indeed of it being an engineered term to suit political and scientific argument. What we may be less able to accept is that PC is something in which we are all complicit. Thought Prison examines the way we are now, and how the Western world has come to be that way. It reveals an Orwellian dystopia that instead of being characterized by a crude authoritarian elite, is supported and driven by an irrational yet equally totalitarian and all-pervasive status quo of our own making, dominating politics, economics, public administration, law, education, the military, health services – our very selves.