A Revolution in Kindness
What if kindness were a prerequisite for many of the things we take for granted in this world, like our institutions? Our legal system? Our schools? Our government? With the help of celebrities, soldiers, politicians, homeless street vendors, political prisoners, activists, and entrepreneurs, I asked for new views of kindness to give it an edge and a vitality that this world sorely misses.
The concept of kindness is often perceived as a passive, weak quality. The idea occurred to me to reclaim this word and the meaning of it from those who would suggest that it is merely a quality we should "practice randomly." Kindness should not be random; kindness should be deliberate and bold and aggressive. Real kindness is active and alive. This inspirational gift book seeks to turn the preconception of 'kindness' on its head--to revolutionize our thinking about it and redefine it as a moral and ethical value, and to recognize those unconventional places where it is found.
Featuring original contributions from a wide variety of creative individuals including:
Entertainers: Annie Lennox, Wayne Hemingway, Goldie Hawn, Melanie Griffith, Linus Roache, Angelina Jolie, and more . . .
Contemporary philosophers: David Korten, Ralph Nader, Matthew Fox and more . . .
Activists: John Bird, Charlie Kernaghan and more . . .
Outsiders: political prisoners, homeless people, asylum seekers, native-rights activists and more . . .