The Spiritual Purpose of Rosslyn: Keys to a Hidden Matrix
This book highlights the role that Rosslyn Chapel plays in the local landscape as an excellent host to a larger spiritual programme for all sentient beings. It involves a geomantic study of Rosslyn Chapel with explanations of the basic creational proto-Sinaitic letters that form nodes of "Reshel" goemetry. These nodes are illustrated both in the progressive positioning of carvings in the chapel and in the chapel's specific geographical location within the landscape. The keys referred to in the title reference this sacred geometry - and the many layers of geometrical patterning describe states of being that are the codes of creation according to respected deceased mystic William Buehler.\nThis book is relevant to those studying Rosslyn Chapel's etheric energies and also useful for those interested in following the life work of mystic William Buehler who coined the term "Reshel"\n"The basic Reshel pattern can be discerned as an etheric termplate overlying sacred temples and areas that resonate with the high frequencies aligned with Metatron for our current collective transition.Architecture follows function. If that function is Ascension or related dynamics, such as the Reshel, then architecture will use the geometry and alchemy to enhance the function."
W.M 2007\nSimple clear outline drawings and diagrams by Andrew Gilmour included.