Sacred and Profane
Fifteen papers from a weekend conference on archaeology, ritual and religion at Oxford in 1989. Contributions are: Archaeology of ritual (J. C. Barrett), Ritual tradition and the reconstitution of society (P. Garwood), Beaker funerary practice (J. Thomas), Social transformation in the Danish Neolithic (C. B. Damm), Ritual use of narcotics in later Neolithic Europe (A. Sherratt), Symbolic dimensions of Neolithic exchange in Armorica (M. A. Patton), From ritual action to symbolic communication (I. D. Mortensen), Booty sacrifices in southern Scandinavia (C. Fabech), Intensity and symbolism in Celtic religious expression (M. Green), Animals and ritual behaviour (A. Grant), Animal and infant burials in Romano-British villas (E. Scott), Caves, cults and children in Neolithic Abruzzo (R. Skeates), Monuments and places (R. Bradley), Monuments and the ritual landscape (J. Harding), Social arenas in the Neolithic and Copper Age of SE Europe (J. Chapman). 192p with illus. (Oxford University Committee for Archaeology, Monograph 32, 1991) Pb