Anatolian Iron Ages: The Proceedings of the Second Anatolian Iron Ages Colloquium (British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Monograph 13)
The Proceedings of the Second Anatolian Iron Ages Colloquium held at Izmir in May 1987. Contents are: tin deposits in Anatolia (O Belli) ; pottery from Köskerbaba Höyuek (Ö Bilgi) ; Early Iron Age at Dilkaya (A Çilingiroglu) ; a Luristan sword with proto-Arabic inscription (H Lassen, V F Buchwald) ; glass in the Iron Age (C S Lightfoot) ; manufacture of a Urartian bronze candelabrum of King Menua (R Merhav, A Ruder) ; southwestward expansion of Urartu (V Sevin) ; close affinity beteen languages of Luvian origin and early Iranian - possible connection between `Tuerk' and `Tarkhun' (lord, ruler) (B Umar) ; architectural origin of Urartian standard temples (D Ussishkin) ; belt fittings from Burmageçit (R Yildirim) ; finds from Kicikisla (L Zoroglu) .