Northern Pacific Classic Steam Era
Review In Northern Pacific Classic Steam Era, Hundman has published what might be the ultimate treatment for both historians and modelers of a railroad and its equipment. ...The book merits our highest rating; it is superb. -- Russ Reinberg, Finescale Railroader. From the Publisher The Northern Pacific Railway, selected by Trains Magazine as the "All-American Railroad" was one of the country's great transcontinental railroads. It was created as a national venture, supported by the national government through immense grants of land. The railroad was responsible for opening a large region of the country to settlement and development. It was also the leader in the evolution of the steam locomotive, for the small "American" 4-4-0s to the huge steel monsters that hauled long trains of freight and people across the continent. This volume focuses on the years 1905 through 1925 and the locomotives acquired during these years, focusing on the challenges, triumphs and disasters. The carefully researched and written text is enhanced by over 340 specifically chosen photographs from the work of some of the country's best known rail photographers including, Nixon, McGee, Fredrickson, and Hastings. Brought to you by the publishers of N-Scale Magazine, Mainline Modeler, and CTC Board magazines.