The Common Ground Book: A Circle of Friends
From Publishers Weekly Sutton ( Remar Sutton's Body Worry ) and freelancer Waite have compiled a mildly interesting collection of conversations they held with a wide variety of people that includes writers Kurt Vonnegut and George Plimpton but that focuses chiefly on those who are neither famous people nor authors: a cook, a student, several librarians and teachers, and a few fishermen. The chapters are arranged by such subjects as "An Early Friendship," "A Moment of Loneliness," "Falling," "Unexpected Treats" or just "Serendipity." Sutton and Waite devote longer pieces to physician Torre Andrew's portrait of his grandmother and to Methodist minister Carolyn Abram's haunting memory of the death of her two-day-old daughter. These pieces come closer to the authors' stated plan to explore the nature of communication and self-discovery. The short chapters often read like magazine interviews. Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc.