Microwave Discrete Solid State Devices and Interface Considerations (Tech Edge Ser)
The TECH EDGE Series is a new generation of handbooks designed for the general electronic community covering a variety of topics & applications. Each book is narrow in scope, yet packed to provide the latest in technological developments &/or solutions to today's engineering problems. Approximately 125 pages of text, illustrations, tables & figures. TECH EDGE books can be bought either individually, as a series, or at group discounts. The first installment of the TECH EDGE Series is a six-book set on RF & Microwaves. Presenting theory while stressing practical aspects & design examples, each book treats pertinent interface problems that most other publications are not concerned with. Nearly 700 pages of text, graphs, figures & tables make up this complete series. Semiconductor devices play an important role in RF & Microwave circuits & systems where they perform several basic functions. This book discusses RF & Microwave bipolar transistors, GaAs FETS, Schottky & Tunnel diodes, Gunn & transit time diodes, & varactors & PIN diodes.