Attacks on the Press in 2005
Iraqi journalists are paying a terrible price to report on the conflict in their nation. They work in a climate of unrelenting danger, are routinely detained by U.S. forces without charge, and are murdered by insurgents. Attacks on the Press in 2005 recounts not only the evolving danger in Iraqit analyzes press freedom conditions in every corner of world. Pervasive self-censorship has taken hold in Colombia and other Latin American countries where assaults and threats are commonplace. In the African nations of Zimbabwe and Ethiopia, more than 100 prominent journalists have been forced to flee their homelands as governments crack down on independent news media. From Mexico to Russia, lawless conditions allow journalists to be murdered with impunity. And in China and Cuba, dozens of journalists are in prison for the crime of expressing their views. Compiled annually by the Committee to Protect Journalists, Attacks on the Press is the most authoritative reference guide to press freedom worldwide. The book provides factual and unbiased accounts of abuses and analyses of media conditions in dozens of nations.