Q Parallels: Synopsis, Critical Notes & Concordance
The writing of gospels lies at the heart ofearly Christian reflective activity.During the last decade, scholars have witnessed an explosion of intense study of gospel literature, necessitating a reorientation of our perspectives about Jesus and the origins of Christianity. This explosion is nowhere more evident than in the study of the earliest extensive collection of Jesus' sayings known as Q. Q Parallels is a foundational tool designed to aid in the reconstruction and investigation ofQ. Students and scholars have long been in need of a reliable synopsis of Q that presents, in the original Greek with a facing English translation, a reconstructionof both the minimal text and the probableextent of Q together with text-critical notes,parallels from other Jewish and Christianliterature, and a concordance of the vocabulary of the text. Kloppenborg does not promote a particular thesis on the extent or precise phrasing of Q. Rather, he incorporates even the most recent Q advances in his comprehensive workbook.Q Parallels is an essential tool for anyoneinterested in the earliest stages of the Jesus tradition.