I Remember When: Activity Ideas to Help People Reminisce
I Remember When presents dozens of activities which help people reminisce and tell stories about their lives. The authors emphasize using the senses when reminiscing with people with dementia. One section describes an activity called Bring-A-Thing which is a lot like Show and Tell where people bring an item to the discussion such as a recipe or a piece of jewelry which helps trigger memories. Particularly useful are the numerous, easy-to-use conversation starters which can be used in groups or between individuals. In the book, the authors have gathered together the best ideas related to reminiscing and storytelling from the best experts in the world. Everything in I Remember When is based on research, and has been field-tested in urban, surburban and rural communities, in business organizations, with board members of national corporations, shurch and synagogue groups, and many other groups. The book is based on the authors' 20+ years of research which suggests that when people reminisce, they have a better sense of wellbeing, greater feelings of community, and an important awareness of their useful contributions to others.