Indian Clothing of the Great Lakes, 1740-1840
Back In Print and Better Than Ever with this New Expanded Edition! Sheryl Hartman has added a fascinating new section to the Introduction of her book which details the various elements of Woodland Indian designs, describing what they symbolize and how they reflect the views, beliefs and culture of the native peoples of the Great Lakes region. This section is lavishly illustrated and discusses Thunderbirds and Underwater Panthers on Medicine Bags or Bundles; Thunderbird Power Lines and Opposing Double Hooks; Underwater Panther Power Lines; Medicine Bags with Abstract Geometric Designs and the Sun Motif; Pouches exhibiting Abstract Symbolic Representations; the Equal-Armed Cross; Midewiwin Designs; design elements in Headdress construction; Floral Patterns; use of Contrasting Patterns in dress; the use of Ornaments; and a discussion of the reasons for the inability to assign tribal affiliation to certain designs or particular pieces of art.
In addition, there is a new author's postscript on stereotypical images of Native Americans - how they came to be, why they are usually inaccurate, how this is starting to change and why it is important for these stereotypes to be replaced by accurate information.
Add an exciting new cover with stunning artwork by Patty Cooper-Fields to the classic text and numerous patterns for Women's and Men's Clothing from the Great Lakes region during this period and you have a sure winner!