Race, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism: Issues in Domination, Resistance and Diversit
A critical discussion of the major concepts, theories & issues in the study of race & ethnic relations in the U.S. society with special focus on the experience of four core groups; The Native American, the African American, the Latin American & the Asian American. It is comparative in nature & explores similarities & differences between these four groups & the experience of women in general in terms of domination, resistance & cultural creativity. The text begins with a critical analysis of the missed opportunity by the founding fathers to respond creatively to the multicultural reality of U.S. society. It raises a series of substantive questions around the issue of how their conception of a good society was limited by race, class & gender constraints, & thus negatively the country's approach to diversity. Also treated are the various forms of resistance by each group which range from protests & strikes to armed struggle. Finally, the text deals with current critical issues which confront each group & which also are shared concerns of two or more groups.