The Cq 1996 Amateur Radio Almanac
New 3d edition -- If it's about ham radio, it's in the Almanac.
-- Updated annually, with new tables, facts and figures.
-- For all amateur and professional ham radio enthusiasts.
-- Unique publication -- no other book like it on the market.
Anyone looking for information about ham radio will find it in the 1996 Amateur Radio Almanac. CQ's sourcebook is filled with over 500 pages of facts, figures and information about world records, space, computers, geographical stats, radio history, regulations, and so much more. Includes ham radio clubs, useful tables, ham radio and the Internet, operating events, antennas and conventions.
"In addition mto major baseball, ham radio has been a real paasion to me. The CQ Amateur Radio Almanac is one resource that will always be a prominent part of my ham shack". -- Joe Rudi, NK7U
"As a member of the VEC Question Pool committee, with over 1/3 of all amateur exams going through my office, I'm proud to say CQ's published a real winner with their Amateur Radio Almanac. No ham, new or experienced, should be without one". -- Fred Maia, President W5YI Group