Ancient Rome: How It Affects You Today (An Uncle Eric Book.)
"Ancient Rome" discusses what happens when higher law principles and a free market economy are ignored. Mr. Maybury uses historical events to explain current events, including the wars in the former Soviet Empire, and the legal and economic problems of America today. Is your government making the same choices that led to the fall of Ancient Rome? Will history repeat?
To improve the student's learning experience, also purchase the student study guide for "Ancient Rome: How It Affects You Today" titled "A Bluestocking Guide: Ancient Rome" also available through Amazon.
Can be used for courses in Ancient Rome, U.S. History, Government, and Economics.
Table of Contents for Ancient Rome
Uncle Eric's Model of How the World Works
Study Guide Available
About the Cover Illustration
Author's Disclosure
1. History Repeats
2. The Roman Disease that Stalks the Markets
3. The Roman Model
4. Hitler and Mussolini
5. The Roman Lust for Blood
6. Logic vs. Interests
7. Listen to the Music
8. The Return of Feudalism
9. Straight Lines
10. The Byzantine Empire
11. Summary
About Richard J. Maybury (Uncle Eric)
Suggested for Further Reading
Richard Maybury uses several examples from Ancient Rome to explain economic principles in his book "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" also available through Amazon.