Psalm 24 begins, As the deep pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. Then verse seven explains, Deep calls unto deep at the noise of God's Waterspouts. In the other words, the 'deep' is a passionate worshiper's heart-rising upward like a waterspout-cries out to experience the 'depth' of God. Conversely, the 'deep' in God's heart thirsts for sweet and deep communion with those so impassioned. This 'deep-to-deep' connection is beautifully expressed in the many names God has given His offspring. They unveil the Father's 'deep' longing-that His beloved sons and daughters should be: His Anointed, the Blessed of the Father, His Garden, Good Seed, Heirs of the Kingdom, Peacemakers, the Pure in Heart, a Well of Living Waters and over 150 other title-callings revealed in this volume. In discovering these titles and walking in their fulfillment, the 'deep' in God's people responds worshipfully to the 'deep' in God. This is powerful and profound-and this is Our Glorious Inheritance.