Reinforced Concrete Masonry Construction Inspector's Handbook, 8th Edition
This edition of the Reinforced Concrete Masonry Construction Inspector's Handbook is written especially for masonry inspection. The handbook covers all aspects of reinforced concrete masonry construction including terminology, technologies, materials, quality control, inspection and standards.\nContent is based on the requirements of the 2012 International Building Code and the 2011 Masonry Standard Joint Committee Code, which includes Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (TMS 402-11/ACI 530-11/ASCE 5-11) and Specification for Masonry Structures (TMS 602-11/ACI 530.1-11/ ASCE 6-11).\nThis handbook is an invaluable reference when preparing to take the International Code Council's Structural Masonry Special Inspection Certification Examination.