Indian Mounds of the Middle Ohio Valley: A Guide to the Adena and Ohio Hopewell Sites (Guides to the American Landscape)
Mounds and earthworks are the most conspicuous elements of prehistoric Native American culture to be found on the landscape of eastern North America. This book, now in its seventh printing, identifies and describes 41 extant, publicly accessible sites in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia, where mounds were constructed by Adena and Hopewell peoples between 3,000 and 1,500 years ago. The book also reviews the culture, history and geography of these two mound-building groups and the face of their earthen constructions during the historic period. Access information and sources of additional information about the Adena and Hopewell and the sites are provided.
This is an informative and versatile book, useful to travelers, students, and anyone else with an interest in understanding, managing, and preserving the remaining landmarks of North American prehistory. The fact that this book is now in its seventh printing is a testimony to its popular acceptance and usefulness.