Train to Midnight: A Dream-Quest Adventure
An accident during an afternoon storm sends Malaika and her brother Sammy back in time to the lives of Malaika and Samson, young slaves who are escaping along the Underground Railroad. Separated from their mother, the pair have made their way across the Ohio River and into Indiana where they meet Danile, a rough but good-hearted abolitionist. Reluctantly, Daniel agrees to accompany the children to Detroit where they hope to meet their mother and escape into Canada. But slave-catchers interfere and make their trip a harrowing one. Comic relief intertwines with drama in this touching novel. PUBLISHER'S COMMENTS: Panagopoulos continues to build a fan club of youngsters and teachers who use her books in their classrooms. She is simply a delightful writer and speaker who provides her readers with adventure, comedy and historical detail that you don't find in textbooks.