Inside Space: Experiments in Redefining Rooms
Documenting an exhibition of the same name, Inside Space showcases the work of six international artists and groups--Elmgreen & Dragset, Teresita Fernandez, Henrik Oleson, Oona Stern, Monica Bonvicini, Juan Maidagan, and Dolores Zinny--all of whom problematize the basic concept of a ''room'' by variously deconstructing, reiterating, materially re-gendering, duplicating, de-rationalizing, de-functionalizing, or disorienting the visitor within them. All of the artists here are equally informed by art and architecture, and Inside Space explores the limits between these two media by presenting the artists' work in architectural-style documentation. Reproduced here are working drawings, photographs of the artists supervising the building and installation of their works, and two views of each finished piece. Inside Space addresses one of the main shifts in the visual arts over the past several years--the increasing propensity of artists to work outside of their field of specialty, delving into such areas as furniture design, animation, and gardening. This ''hybrid'' show and catalogue is a crucial document of artists dealing with built interior space.