Godspells: Written Spells, Spoken Spells and Spell Enhancers
NOT OF THE DEVIL! EVERY SPELL IS OF THE LORD! TAKE MATTERS INTO YOUR OWN HANDS TO HAVE A MORE POSITIVE LIFE! Here are the rules laid down thousands of years ago by those who spoke with the Heavenly Host and learned of his TRUE wishes for all of mankind. We live in a day and age when people are beginning to understand words like spells and magic (sometimes spelled with a 'k' as in magick, to separate it from the common word used to describe stage illusions). Now, at the dawn of AGE OF AWARENESS and expanded spiritual consciousness, , many people are becoming their own scientists and priests, looking to the universe within for the answers. They now realize that the mystical science is a great power, not of the devil (unless it is used for evil purposes), but for the heritage of all humankind. Between the lines of sacred scriptures such as the Holy Bible we find many cryptic messages to establish this fact. Even the word Gospel is taken from ancient words meaning God Spell, and with that thought the author gives you the gift of wisdom in this book. Here are fast working spells for many occasions: * Spells to overcome wickedness. * Good fortune spells. * Psychic development spell. * Business and money drawing spell. * Love and youthfulness. Included are rare and powerful legendary power squares which have been handed down for centuries only in sacred volumes used by a select few. If you want to take matters into your own hands and live by the Golden Rule which is a work you will cherish and work from for a long time and tell your friends who are not afraid to go beyond what the Church teaches.