American Indian Magic: Sacred Pow Wows and Hopi Prophecies
Though of Scandinavian heritage, the author was initiated into the Seneca tribe as a medicine man, thus becoming one of the few white men so honored. His adventures into the strange (to outsiders) world of Indian magic rivals the experiences best-selling author Carlos Castaneda might have undergone.
Over the centuries, the native American priests have practiced a system of magic so powerful that it enables them to control the winds and the weather, to foresee coming events, and sometimes even to change the future. They have always possessed the ability to heal the sick, to walk over burning coals, to read minds, to send and receive telephathic thoughts, to communicate with the dead, speak to animals, and control others at a distance.
This book is a practical guide which teaches, among other things, the American Indian's way to perfection, telling the reader how to...
- Hold your own "Vision Quest."
- Communicate with spirits and angels and get them to assist you in all that you desire.
- Take total control of every situation and, through a formal agreement with the forces of nature, receive incredible benefits that can turn your life around for the better.
- Prepare your own "Medicine Bag" containing common objects that, after a simple ritual, becomes sacred and highly charged to the bearer.
- Send out "smoke signals" using your mind to contact and influence others many miles away.