Beast Tamer: How to Master the Ultimate Russian Kettlebell Strength Challenge
In Dragon Door's RKC kettlebell instructor training system,
the Beast Tamer and Iron Maiden challenges
represent the ultimate athletic achievement of an elite
few men and women. To earn the accolade of "Beast
Tamer" men must flawlessly perform a Pistol, a Pull
Up and a Press-with a 108-lbs kettlebell. To earn the
accolade of "Iron Maiden" women must flawlessly
perform a Pistol, a Pull Up and a Press-with a 53-lbs
What works in real life to become an all-around,
elite strength champion? Andrew Read gives you the
tools, tips and techniques that can turn you from
ordinary to extraordinary. Want to tap into your inner
Beast or inner Iron Maiden? Bring passion, dedication
and supreme determination to your training table-and