The Miracle of Faith Goals
Having no concrete goals is like trying to operate an ocean liner without a helmsman. You set out to sea, hoping to get to your desired destination, but your chance of arriving where you want to go is virtually nonexistent.God plans for everything-from when he spoke forth the universe, to his plan for your salvation, all the way down to this moment in your life. This book reveals how to discover God's plan for accomplishing profound results. You will learn the seven "Vs," incremental steps, that will help you accomplish 100 to 1,000 times more!V1: Values V2: VisionV3: VoicingV4: VividnessV5: VisioningV6: VitalizingV7: VictoryThese seven principles hold the key to finding success in your relationships, business, ministry...every aspect of your life! When you understand God's plan for success, you can set and reach any goal you desire.