Through the Scriptures: A Five Year Course of Outlines for Teachers and Pastors
These outlines, comprising a five year course of Sunday School Lessons through the Scriptures, appeared originally in Faithful Word, a gospel magazine. In response to many requests they are now gathered together in on volume. The reader will observe that one outline appears on each page surrounded by generous margin upon which the student may place any additional notes and comments resulting from his own study of the lesson, thus enabling him to make these outlines his own. The paper has been specially selected for this purpose. These outlines have been purposely condensed so that they will be merely suggestive and an encouragement to further study, rather than an excuse to avoid that study and preparation so necessary to the teacher and preacher. All the Scripture references should be looked up and well pondered, and their relation to the lesson determined. The material for there outlines has been gathered from many sources, and my appreciation is due to all who, by their oral or written ministry, have aided in this direction. In the introductory pages there will be found a suggestion as to how to best use these outlines, together with other hints to Sunday School teachers and others who are seeking to teach and preach the word of God. The book goes forth with the desire that God may be pleased to use its contents to the glory of Him Whose incarnation, life, death, resurrection, ascension, and ceaseless intercession has made such teaching possible.