Why Women Pay More : How to Avoid Marketplace Perils
This book will open your eyes to the widespread discrimination against women in the marketplace. It is a well-known fact that, across the board, women earn about 70% of what men do. It adds insult to injury to realize that women pay more than men in the world of consumer goods and services and are discriminated against more often in the marketplace, especially when it comes to obtaining credit. A one-time consumer reporter for Newsday and The New York Times, Frances Cerra Whittelsey takes aim at the prime abusers, such as the healthcare, fashion and automotive industries, and looks at the many ways advertising fuels this fire. This book is guaranteed to make your blood boil with solid confirmation for those ripoffs you always suspected and probably questioned in the back of your mind, but never really protested (maybe because you didn't know how). Here is valuable information that every woman should have her hands on to avoid getting burned. -- From The WomanSource Catalog & Review: Tools for Connecting the Community for Women; review by Ilene Rosoff