Try Not to Worry About It: A Final Collection of Valley 101 Columns
Clay entertained his readers for almost 20 years, answering any and all questions sent in to the Arizona Republic.Initially intended to answer questions specific to Arizona, the Valley 101 column quickly grew beyond this boundary as Clay started taking on all subjects. Snarky retorts to his readers, and sometimes he actually got around to answering the question at hand. Almost as often, Clay answered it correctly.
This is the fourth book of his columns. Book 1 is titled "Clay Thompson's Valley 101, A Slightly Skewed Guide to Living in Arizona." Book 2 is "The Valley 101 Great Big Book of LIfe," and book 3 is knowns as "Occupy Gooberville, for the 99% of you that think my answers are right."
We lost Clay to the great beyond in April of 2018, but his Q&A writings live on. If you want to be the "smartest" person in the room, you need to read this book!