Talking About Sex: A Guide for Families [VHS]
A complete multi-media package that includes a riveting, 30-minute, animated video with music and celebrity voice-overs, a fact-filled book for parents, and a fun activity workbook for kids. If you've never known how to discuss the subject of sexuality with your kids, this program will give you all of the necessary advice, facts, and insight to communicate with your children about puberty, sexuality, and relationships. Awards/Recognitions: 1998 Golden Apple Award ( National Educational Media Network), National Health Information Merit Award (Health Information Resource Center), Golden Eagle Award (Council on International Nontheatrical Events), Gold Medal and Camera Awards (Worldfest-Houston and International Film and Video Festival), Grand Prize/Education Films (Annecy 1997 Festivale Internationale), Grand and Gold Awards (International Mercury Awards), Selected Films and Videos for Young Adults (Young Adult Library Services).