Understanding E-Minis: Trading to Win
This is the first book that deals specifically with trading E-minis, and techniques and methods that will help you to become more a more profitable trader. The markets give a final verdict every trading day at the close. This verdict will not go in your favor if you enter the trading battle unprepared. Skill and success in the markets are acquired through hard work, education, patience, and emotional discipline. This book will help you to become a better trader and not a gambler. Table of Contents: Introduction What Markets To Trade Characteristics Of E-mini Contracts What Is A Stock Index Contract Months Are There Secrets To Trading The E-minis? Fundamental Or Technical Analysis Slippage And Commissions What Do I Need To Trade The E-minis? Is There Really A High Probability Trading System? Types Of Charts Charts And Time Frames Support And Resistance Pivot Points High-Low-Close-Open Relationship Normal Trading Day Volume Single Bar Patterns Breakout Trades Reversal Trades Bearish Reversals Bullish Reversals Candlestick Traps Candlestick Summary Time And Sales Market Breadth Indicators Market Trading Indicators Miscellaneous Indicators Commitment of Traders Report Fair Value And Program Trading Summary Of Market Indicators Economic Numbers Greenspan Effect Preparation For The Trading Day Risk Management The Critical Importance Of Orders Trading Strategies Closing Statement Bibliography This book is for traders who want to gain a better understanding of markets and learn how to profit from short-term fluctuations in any market. Don't be lured by the idea that it is easy to make money at first. There is no free lunch on Wall Street. This book will help you to become a better trader and not a gambler.